Workshop Méditative Energy Healing Work

with Bugra Ogan

À Satnam Montmartre, le 6 Février de 19h30 à 21h

Bugra works as an Energy Healing guide, who will guide you to activate your own healing power by creating a high frequency space for your to have your own journey within group energy. Guiding everyone and supporting your intention of healing within.

You will make better sense of the things that are holding you back, emotional and physical. He will assist you on your journey from your brain to your heart. It is your evolution to live freer, lighter, creatively. Once you take the first step things will start unfolding and make better sense.

Who is it for?
Anyone who is curious to look deeper into oneself. Anyone who wants to find answers to questions they didn’t know existed. Anyone who wants to understand and evolve. Anyone finding difficulties moving forward, making decision, finding love, trust, comfort. Anyone who wants to break a habit. Anyone who no longer wants to carry unnecessary weight. Anyone who wants to lift of the haze from their eyes. Anyone who feels stuck. Anyone who wants to be good to themselves.

Tarifs : 40 euros en présentiel à Satnam Montmartre et 28€ en ligne

Réservation via Mindbody-Satnam Montmartre