Mardi 9 juin 2020 « Art of entering meditation »
de 19h à 21h30
Don’t ask how to meditate, just ask how to remain unoccupied. The mind is always occupied, at the blink of the eye, there are 1000 thoughts which scatters the mind in all directions. When you stop even to meditate, then meditation would flower.
When the mind is not doing anything, the energy would automatically anchor into the centre of your being. When you do something energy moves out. doing is moving out and non doing is moving in. Meditation is just to be, not doing anything – no action, no thought, no emotion. You just are without your history, a pure presence.
In this special class, we would teach you how through doing you can attain non-doing and how not meditating you can meditate.
Yogi Amandeep Singh, inspired by Yogi Bhajan, is an accomplished yogi who’s studied in depth, many yogic traditions in the Himalayas.
A keynote speaker for Technology conferences, he’s leading the space on conscious use of Technology, especially Virtual Reality. Currently, he’s leading a project about how mental health related issues can be cured by Virtual Reality.
He has been appointed in the capacity of a spiritual leader to advice European Union projects on wellbeing tourism.
Also involved with a group of neurologists and neuroscientists working on pain management for children who are receiving oncology treatment.
He brings in the ancient yogic technology with the modern framework to make it consumable for the modern times.
Tarif : 49 €
Réservation via Mindbody-Satnam Montmartre