A workshop with Guru Dharam Khalsa BAcC RCHM

Sur Zoom, le 8 février de 18h à 20h

The psyche means the mind or soul spirit from the Greek.

Soma is from the Sanskrit and has two meanings. The first is an elixir or intoxicating nectar extracted from a plant used in mystical rituals in ancient India and personified as a deity.
The second meaning is the body – as distinguished from the mind – which has been extended to refer to the body of believers or Sangat in a religious doctrine.

The rishis who channeled and compiled the Kriyas of Kundalini Yoga had a clear understanding of the interactions and interdependencies of the human body, mind and spirit in relation to the time space continuum.

All are welcome to this practical and theoretical Kundalini Experience.

Tarif : 29 euros

Réservation via Mindbody-Satnam Montmartre