DEEP LISTENING, Mantra and Meditation with Sada Sat Kaur
A workshop with Sada Sat Kaur
A Satnam Montmartre et sur Zoom, le 8 septembre de 19h à 21h30
Sada Sat Kaur is unable to physically travel to Paris for back health reasons, therefore the workshop will be through zoom on a big screen on the stage at Satnam Montmartre and through zoom wherever you are.
Enter into the State of Wonder and Beginner’s Mind :
When we are in a true state of humility, we are in complete connection with everything that is.
We recognize that we are never separate, but rather a part of the whole.
We live in a state of wonder, openness, and childlike curiosity, open to learning without judgment as we go through life’s journey.
In this workshop we will connect deeply to our humanity, our Infinity and the voice of our soul.
Join me for 2.5 hours of wonder that will change your life.
Be the Change
Sada Sat Kaur
Tarifs : 34 euros à Satnam Montmartre et 29 euros en ligne
Réservation via Mindbody-Satnam Montmartre